Week 67: Darwin and I Get Fit

My jogging pace (slow & stop) and Darwin’s walking speed are very similar. The walking action is good for Darwin as it doesn’t jolt her body in big movements, but encourages muscle build up from regular paces. The only issue is that she has to go on a lead as we jog otherwise she’d be forever trying to catch up (not that I go quickly…more that she finds one more smell after another that needs to be catalogued and referenced).

Darwin doesn’t seem too keen on this arrangement, but we’ve been for a couple of afternoon soirees now and hopefully we will keep it up (even though it did start snowing this afternoon). Darwin was worn out over the weekend by her pal Magic (a Field Spaniel that just doesn’t stop) so Monday has been a lazy day (apart from our afternoon jog which wore me out far more than Darwin). Hopefully we will keep it up…and a diet of raw meaty bones…although I’m not sure how long I will last on this diet!

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